Wednesday, April 8, 2015
We learned that Germany’s development in
nationalism was different from most other nations. Germany was more than 300 principalities
which needed to be unified. What makes
people think they should unify? Some
suggestions were shared culture or history, common language, and in the case of
Germany, a common enemy in the personage of Napoleon.
At the German Historical Museum, Mr. Barmore used the United States to explain
some of the differences between the concept of nationalism as it developed in
Europe and what we would call ‘American nationalism’. America, he said, was a result of
rationalism and the focus on democracy and the rights of the individual. In the United States, the structure and role
of the government was created in the name of the people. The purpose of the state is to guard the
civil rights of the citizens and the government officials in America are our
civil servants. In contrast, in the
European historical evolution of the context of ‘nation’, it is something greater
than its people, something vague and difficult to define. The individual is only something because of
the group; an individual cannot develop culture alone. The nation will be personified by a symbol
in order to simplify it. France would
be symbolized by the female statue, Marianne, Britain by Britannia, and Germany
by the statue, Germania. And
under fascism, the German state would become an absolute; the role of the individual in that society
was to serve the state.
As we continued through the museum we
learned that during the Romantic Period, many aspects that gave identity to a people,
such as language, literature and music, would become specific to that
nation. In this way, Shakespeare’s plays
became not just literature, but English literature, and Beethoven’s music would
become German music. While Germans were
lacking in terms of geographic unification, they developed a sense of cultural
unity which defined them.
After lunch we walked to the Jewish cemetery where we visited the grave of Moses Mendelssohn and the memorial to the women who had been interned in the German concentration camp north of Berlin, Ravensbruck. On our walk to the last stop of the day, the Old Neue Synagogue, <olaf called our attention to several engraved brass plaques amidst the cobblestones of the sidewalks on which we were walking. These, we were told, were part of the Stolpersteine (Stumbling Stones) project of a German artist and sculptor, Gunter Deming. Since 1989 he has placed these stones, at the request of family or friends, to memorialize victims of National Socialism, primarily Jews. Each stone bears the year of birth and the deportation and fate of the person. The stones are then laid before the building where the individual or family lived. In light of our discussion yesterday of traditional versus modern memorials, Olaf asked us whether or not we thought these were an appropriate memorial and there were varying perspectives.
We continued on to the Old Neue Synagogue which was built over a six year period and consecrated in 1866. The beautiful Moorish building style and the large Schwedler Dome of gold, shaped the silhouette of Central Berlin, and was a symbol visible to all of the self-confidence of the Jewish community. During Kristallnacht, in November of 1938, most of Berlin’s 14 synagogues were burned, but Wilhelm Kratzfeld, the Berlin police officer responsible for the district, was able to preserve the synagogue from major damage by chasing away the arsonists and calling the fire department. The synagogue was able to resume services in April of 1939 and the last services took place in March of 1940 at which time the synagogue became a storage place for documents and records. Allied bombs severely damaged the synagogue in 1943 and in 1958 the main synagogue was blasted in what was then East Berlin. In 1988 a seven year reconstruction project was undertaken and the synagogue opened as a museum in 1995.
Barmore talked to us about German Jews and their aspirations. People, he said, when they entered into a
different society or culture, might try to assimilate or integrate. Many Jews wanted to truly assimilate into
German society, even to the point of converting to Christianity. Others wanted to integrate, which meant
becoming a part of the society but still retaining certain elements of
Judaism. Mr. Barmore told us how German
Jews, attempting to integrate into German society, would built such extravagant
synagogues, to rival the most elegant Christian churches. And
Olaf showed us two Torah curtains which contained a Psalm. While the writing was in Hebrew letters, the
words created were Germans.
headed back to the hotel where we would have time to freshen up before our dinner
at a restaurant back in this Jewish neighborhood.
Upon returning to the hotel, the students were asked to consider the various sites of today and to reflect upon some aspect of a memorial that had impacted them. The goal of this trip is to complicate students' thinking and their observations reflected that goal. Camille noted that she was impressed with the synagogue and the fact that instead of fully remodeling the synagogue, the community "took the damage with pride" leaving it unfinished. Caitlin stated that the book burning memorial left the greatest impact on her because of the fact that the Nazis would choose to destroy knowledge, simply because of whom it came from.
Upon returning to the hotel, the students were asked to consider the various sites of today and to reflect upon some aspect of a memorial that had impacted them. The goal of this trip is to complicate students' thinking and their observations reflected that goal. Camille noted that she was impressed with the synagogue and the fact that instead of fully remodeling the synagogue, the community "took the damage with pride" leaving it unfinished. Caitlin stated that the book burning memorial left the greatest impact on her because of the fact that the Nazis would choose to destroy knowledge, simply because of whom it came from.
YouTube video of Otto Weidt's Workshop - Student Reflections
Glad to hear all is well! :) Keep in mind to not only view perspectives of the holocaust and modern day Berlin, but also of yourselves. You will all have a different perspective of yourselves - past, present, and future - after your HST experience. Camille, you make a great point about taking the damage with pride. It is important that the history, although it is negative, is held on to in order create a positive outlook of overcoming such great defeat. Also, the gold plates cemented into the cobblestone sidewalks are friendly reminders of what great destruction to humanity took place in the city of Berlin. Enjoy every second of every day no matter how tired you are! I look forward to following throughout the rest of the journey! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure why my name isn't showing but it's me, Ashley Lignos!
DeleteWhat a great learning experience! I can't wait to read more about it!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing first few days you guys have had. When I look at the photos that have been posted, I can actually see the emotion in your faces. I doubt any of you will ever experience anything like this again. Keep learning, keep having fun, and keep feeling.
ReplyDeleteSteve and Kris Venechanos
Thank you for sharing in such detail your experiences. Without even being there with you, there is a lot to ponder. The questions posed by your guide are critical. I look forward to continuing to read about your amazing learning and future questions/thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThe clear picture of the empty bookshelves in the memorial of the Nazi Book Burnings shows the power of the written word. The Nazis needed to destroy words because of their power in influencing and educating people. My school is presenting the play "The Diary of Anne Frank" tonight and tomorrow night, and it makes me think about the power of words in telling the truth about the history of the Holocaust. Long after death of Hitler and other Nazi officials, students throughout the world are still learning about the Holocaust through the written words of young people like Anne, Otto Wolf, and others who kept diaries about their daily experiences. Like Ashley commented, each of you will be learning something new and different every day and this HST experience will change your life. Keep writing down your thoughts throughout each day of the experience, because those words have power beyond the pages where they are written.
ReplyDeleteBerlin is a city that has many “faces” and yet it is “faceless.” Its history full, and yet, filled with void. The struggle to be and the concept of identity is much more complex than the words define.
ReplyDeleteStay close to Mr. Barmore as he introduces you to a different level of understanding. Remember his lessons of identity, assimilation, Germanic nationalism, and the “one-sided love affair,” as these will reveal themselves in layers throughout the trip.
You will find that these topics are not just bond to history; they are surprisingly and unequivocally human. Soon you will travel to Prague (enjoy the train ride and take in the picturesque scenery), as you delve deeper you will have to confront the fact that this was and is a human-to-human story. In the words of your great historian, “Who is the bad guy? We think of villains as being monstrous, looking hideous. It becomes difficult to reconcile when the bad guy looks just like the rest of us.”
Continue to question, to learn, and share.
Mrs. T, Mr. Barmore, Ms. Sussman, Mr. Capuano, and Olaf I miss you all.
These first few days have been jam packed with history. I am in awe as I follow your trip. Take it all in but also remember to reflect on it all as well.
ReplyDeleteEveryone looks more rested today! Looking orward to reading tomorrow.
I've never seen such a thing in my life, until now. A memorial of book burning. One of the smallest memorials I have ever seen. It's disturbing to see Nazis burning books written by Jewish people.